nLab D=5 Yang-Mills theory




Yang-Mills theory on spacetimes of dimension D=5D=5.

For U(1)-gauge group this reduces to D=5 Maxwell theory. Under KK-compactification this becomes massive Yang-Mills theory in 4 dimensions. Under supersymmetrization it becomes D=5 super Yang-Mills theory.


Hadrons as KK-modes of 5d Yang-Mills theory

On Skyrmions in 4d as holographic/KK-theoretic reduction of instantons in D=5 Yang-Mills theory:

Skyrmions in 4 dimensional spacetime, with vector meson-contributiuons included, are the holographic/KK-theory reduction of instantons in D=5 Yang-Mills theory (Sakai-Sugimoto 04, Section 5.2, Sakai-Sugimoto 05, Section 3.3, reviewed in Sugimoto 16, Section 15.3.4, Bartolini 17, Section 2.

This phenomenon is essentially the theorem of Atiyah-Manton 89, this is highlighted and developed in Sutcliffe 10, Sutcliffe 15.

In this way Skyrmions (and hence baryons and atomic nuclei, see below) appear in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model, which realizes (something close to) non-perturbative QCD as a D4/D8-intersecting D-brane model described by the AdS-QCD correspondence (“holographic QCD”).

This already produces baryon mass spectra with moderate quantitative agreement with experiment (HSSY 07):

graphics from Sugimoto 16

This way, via the equivalence between D4-D8-brane intersections with instantons in the D8-brane-worldvolume, the Skyrme model becomes equivalent to a model of baryons by wrapped D4-branes (Sugimoto 16, 15.4.1):

graphics grabbed from Sugimoto 16



Hadrons as KK-modes of 5d Yang-Mills theory

The suggestion that the tower of observed vector mesons – when regarded as gauge fields of hidden local symmetries of chiral perturbation theory – is reasonably modeled as a Kaluza-Klein tower of D=5 Yang-Mills theory:

That the pure pion-Skyrmion-model of baryons is approximately the KK-reduction of instantons in D=5 Yang-Mills theory is already due to:

with a hyperbolic space-variant in:

Further discussion of this approximation:

The observation that the result of Atiyah-Manton 89 becomes an exact Kaluza-Klein construction of Skyrmions/baryons from D=5 instantons when the full KK-tower of vector mesons as in Son-Stephanov 03 is included into the Skyrmion model (see also there) is due to:

In the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD the D=5 Yang-Mills theory of this hadron Kaluza-Klein theory is identified with the worldvolume-theory of D8-flavour branes intersected with D4-branes in an intersecting D-brane model:

Extensive review of this holographic/KK-theoretic-realization of quantum hadrodynamics from D=5 Yang-Mills theory is in:

Via the realization of D4/D8 brane bound states as instantons in the D8-brane worldvolume-theory (see there and there), this relates also to the model of baryons as wrapped D4-branes, originally due to

and further developed in the nuclear matrix model:

In relation to Yang-Mills monopoles:

Discussion, in this context, of D-term effects affecting hadron stability:

More on baryons in the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD:

More on mesons in holographic QCD:

An alternative scenario of derivation of 4d Skyrmions by KK-compactification of D=5 Yang-Mills theory, now on a closed interval, motivated by M5-branes instead of by D4/D8-brane intersections as in the Sakai-Sugimoto model, is discussed in:

with related discussion in:

See also:

  • Y. H. Ahn, Sin Kyu Kang, Hyun Min Lee, Towards a Model of Quarks and Leptons (arXiv:2112.13392)

Last revised on June 28, 2024 at 13:36:17. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.